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King's Gambit Coffee

Ethiopia: Kembata

Ethiopia: Kembata

Savor the extraordinary with our Kembata coffee from Ethiopia, a medium roast that's as enchanting as its highland origin. Imagine a cup where the luxurious depth of dark chocolate meets the vibrant burst of mixed berry jam, a symphony of flavors nurtured at an elevation of 2050 meters in the fertile soils of Durame Village. Each sip offers a journey to Ethiopia, where traditional craftsmanship meets the unique Ethiopian Heirloom varietals, naturally processed to preserve their exquisite complexity. This isn't just coffee; it's an experience, a moment of indulgence that beckons with the promise of unparalleled taste.

Why wait? Embark on a flavor adventure with our Kembata coffee and transform your coffee routine into a celebration of the senses.

Coffee Details:

Roast Level: Medium
Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Mixed Berry Jam
Origin: Ethiopia, Africa
Elevation: 2050 meters
Varietals: Ethiopian Heirloom
Process: Natural, Raised Beds

Farm & Producer Notes:

Nestled in the scenic Durame Village within Kembata, Ethiopia, this farm proudly sits at an elevation of 2100 meters, a prime altitude that blesses us with incredibly fertile soil perfect for cultivating premium coffee beans. Our unique approach includes a meticulous 36-48 hour fermentation period at our wet mill, followed by sun-drying the beans on elevated beds to achieve the perfect moisture content. For our unwashed cherries, we dedicate 15-21 days to sun-drying, guaranteeing they reach the ideal state for processing. The fruit of our labor is a coffee that delights with its complexity, featuring vibrant notes of blueberry and strawberry, capturing the essence of our dedication and the fertile lands of Ethiopia.

Signature Selection: The Story Behind Each Bean

Our Journey with Ethiopia Kembata:
Choosing Ethiopia Kembata was a decision born from both our past experiences and our commitment to offering coffees that not only taste exceptional but also tell a story. The highlands of Ethiopia, particularly Kembata, are renowned for producing coffee beans with naturally occurring, distinctive flavor notes such as blueberry and strawberry, which manifest as rich, jam-like qualities in the brew. Our previous roasts of this varietal were met with such enthusiasm from our customers that it was a clear choice to continue our journey with these vibrant beans.

Crafting the Perfect Roast:
The roasting process for our Ethiopian Kembata is as much about science as it is about artistry. We've found that a medium roast best suits these beans, striking a careful balance that honors their natural profile. Roasting them too lightly doesn't do justice to the beans’ potential, leaving a straw-like taste, while roasting too darkly overshadows the nuanced Ethiopian notes with excessive bitterness. Our chosen medium roast pace allows the inherent berry tartness and earthy tones to develop fully, subtly toning down the earthiness to enhance the natural sweetness. This approach ensures each cup is a balanced symphony of flavors—true to its origins yet uniquely King's Gambit.

The Result in Your Cup:
The final cup is a testament to our thoughtful roasting philosophy—a smooth, clean coffee with a delightful berry tartness that's rounded out by underlying sweetness. Each sip offers a glimpse into the care and passion that go into every batch we produce. This coffee isn't just brewed; it's crafted with intention, designed to offer a sensory experience that transports you straight to the heart of Ethiopia, yet refined to suit the discerning palates of our customers.

Regular price $19.00
Regular price Sale price $19.00
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